Dear OCCJ Friends,
The mission and work of OCCJ means so much to me. For 20 years I have strived to live the mission of OCCJ in my personal life, since I became acquainted with Anytown. It has been a privilege and honor to work for OCCJ for nine years, and to lead the organization for the last six years. OCCJ has been much more than a career, it has been a way of life and an opportunity to serve, promote respect and understanding for all, and inspire and equip Oklahomans to overcome bias, bigotry, and oppression in its many forms.
It is because of my personal connection and commitment to OCCJ that the decision to start a new professional chapter has been difficult, and one I did not make lightly. I have accepted the position of President & CEO of the Foundation for Tulsa Schools and begin in September.
Working with you, the incredible Board of Directors and staff, has been an inspiration to me. As I reflect on the impact we’ve made on thousands of Oklahomans over the last nine years, I know we have done so together and through your support.
While I will miss advancing the mission of OCCJ professionally, I look forward to continuing to support and advance the work and being involved in new capacities.
The search for the next president & CEO is underway. I am confident in the OCCJ team to implement the initiatives we’ve set out for ourselves to do, and welcome the leadership of Dr. Gary Peluso-Verdend, who will serve as Interim President & CEO.
Thank you for believing in our mission and work and for your continued support as we work together to address the challenges we face so we can build a more inclusive, just, and hospitable state, for all.
In solidarity and with deep gratitude,
Moises Echeverria
President & CEO
Oklahoma Center for Community and Justice