Cara Golden serves as the Program Coordinator at OCCJ. The necessity and urgency of OCCJ’s mission excites her, and Cara looks forward to engaging with community partners, youth, volunteers and participants to eradicate racism for the sake of a better society. She comes to OCCJ with a background in anthropology, biology and nonprofit organizations and has worked in communications for the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama.
She is deeply passionate about the strength to be found in diversity. Her eagerness to engage with local communities and young people to broaden cultural awareness is reflected in the relationships she has built with the Native American community on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. She is involved with the Riverton Peace Mission in Wyoming.
Cara is a student at the Center for Indigenous Studies. She received her bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Auburn University and is currently pursuing a master’s in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary.