We believe we are stronger when working together to achieve a common goal!
ADVANCING OKLAHOMA - This program in partnership brings together leaders from across the state to discuss race relations in our state head on. Experts in the field – inside Oklahoma and from across the country, share with participants the latest data and trends including demographics, attitudes, and our history as it relates to race relations. WE are proud of this partnership with Leadership Oklahoma, Oklahoma Center for Non Profits, Oklahoma Hall of Fame and The Oklahoma Academy.
ANTI-BULLYING COALITION - According to the National Association of School Psychologists, bullying is the most common form of violence in our society; between 15% and 30% of students are bullies or victims. The Anti-Bullying Coalition has been formed to promote a safe, civil, and respectful community by preventing bullying among children, youth, and adults.
COMPASSIONATE TULSA - The mission of Compassionate Tulsa is to champion and nurture the growth of compassion in Tulsa and surrounding communities, to highlight the compassion of others, and to alleviate the suffering and bring healing through the focus on compassion. OCCJ serves as a member of the Compassionate Tulsa committee.
MOSAIC - Is a task force of the Tulsa Regional Chamber that focuses on catapulting Tulsa into the forefront of diversity and inclusion leadership by leveraging Tulsa's diversity to create an inclusive community and improve the economic and social climate of Tulsa.
OPEN TABLES - This interfaith program is designed to bring together people from different faiths to share dinner and dialogue and consists of a potluck dinner and presentation. We ask you to bring a favorite dish to share, as well as an open mind and respect for those from different traditions. Each dinner is held on a Sunday evening at 5:30 pm. Contact Vicky Langston at 918-232-5332 or revguyo@cox.net for more information.
RESPECT DIVERSITY FOUNDATION - The Respect Diversity Foundation promotes tolerance, acceptance and affinity across differences – through communication, education and the arts. This foundation helps learners of all ages understand and appreciate other cultures and their own, create positive inter-group relationships, and build strong communities throughout the state of Oklahoma, the U.S., and the world.
SAY NO TO HATE COALITION - The Tulsa Say No to Hate Coalition was formed in 1988 as a volunteer organization of public and private agencies dedicated to preserving the dignity and fundamental freedoms of all people. The Coalition meets quarterly.
OCCJ is a member of:
Association of Fundraising Professionals
National Federation of Just Communities